Inclusive Excellence Student Award
This award will fund proposals from UVA student organizations that demonstrate the potential to enhance Inclusive Excellence (IE) across all areas of student life, in alignment with the institutional focus on IE as it enacts the University's strategic mission and goals and/or furthers efforts endorsed by the Board of visitors relating to racial equity. You can learn more about each area of the IE framework below:
- Access and Success
- Climate and Intergroup Relations
- Education and Scholarship
- Infrastructure and Investment
- Community and Partnership
- Healing and Repair
Student Award Details
- Eligibility
This is an internal grant-making program and only members/representatives of UVA student government, special status, Greek, service, and contractually independent organizations are eligible to apply for funding.
Any organization may apply, but it is required that at least one component of the application identifies a cross-organizational collaboration with one or more UVA student organization. Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate how the proposed action(s) or program directly relates to a strategy, goal, action, or assessment plan described in the University’s Inclusive Excellence framework. Priority consideration will be given to applications submitted which include a mechanism or opportunity for a sustainable (multi-year or otherwise long term) cross-organizational partnership. Organizations are eligible for only one award per academic year.
- Funding
The maximum award amount for any single project/program will be $3,000. The total number of awards will depend upon selected projects, but the typical award amounts will range from $1,000 - $3,000.
- Timeline
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis (until all funds have been allocated).
We will do our best to notify recipients of awards within 3 weeks of the receipt of an application.
- Application Process
Applications will be submitted online.
Applications will include:
- Project/Program title
- The name, email, student status and student organization/affiliation of all applicants
- A description of the proposed project/program that identifies how it relates to the purpose of the student award program and how the project/program will specifically advance inclusive excellence for students at UVA
- A timeline for anticipated components/steps of the project/program.
- Statement on anticipated/potential impact and any anticipated outcomes from the project/program.
- A proposed budget which identifies anticipated expenses appropriate to the specific project/program and its milestones. All expenditures must follow University policies and guidelines. (Note: All funds awarded must be used exclusively for support of the identified project/proposal and may not be used for non-related expenses. All un-used funds at the close of the project/program will be returned to the Division for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to be carried over into subsequent award periods for the fund.)
If necessary, appendices may be utilized to provide additional information but must not exceed an additional two pages.
- Selection Criteria
Application evaluation criteria are:
- Potential impact of project/program on inclusive excellence in the area and as a model innovative change for other areas of the University.
- Significance toward achieving, and alignment with, the area’s inclusive excellence plan/goals, especially as relates to structural evaluation and change.
- Potential for long term sustainability (after one year) of the activities through school/departmental support, University partnerships, and/or external funding.
- Potential for positively impacting an initiative identified in the University’s racial equity task force report.
- Impact and Accountability (Post-Award)
Recipients will select a method to share their project and its impacts with the University community and other awardees through a workshop, panel discussion, presentation, and/or other method appropriate to the project/program.
Recipients will also submit the completed progress report to the Division at the close of the project/program and identify how all awarded funds were specifically used.
- Questions
To talk about an idea you have or to get more information contact Rachel Spraker, Vice President for Equity and Inclusive Excellence ([email protected]).
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